Monday, March 18, 2013

Jenna Day

What a great day! Jenna has been such a trooper today.  She cried for a very short time when her nanny told her bye and has had a couple of sad faces that were easily remedied.  We haven't gotten to smiles yet, but we feel we are moving in the right direction.  She's been very alert and taking everything in.  Ella and Jonathan have been fabulous. Everyone is in bed except for me, and I'm headed that way as soon as I publish this post.
On our way to get Jenna.

Heading into the Civil Affairs Office

Waiting for Jenna

The calm before the babies arrive.....

Of course, more paperwork

And, here she is with big sister Ella.

Jenna and Mommy

And big brother Jonathan

Most of the family:~)

Simon is translating information from the orphanage Officer of International Adoption and a caretaker.

Sweet faces

The Civil Affairs Office became quite a busy place!!

Jenna and Daddy

Jenna's agreement that she wishes to be adopted

Jenna's orphanage caretaker

Ready for bed


  1. So happy for you all! she looks like she belongs with your family and she does! She is beautiful!
    Can't help but be amazed on how you've been taken care of during this whole trip, including the fact you had a Sister helping you along the way. So thankful your passports were found also. HE is so good! I know you've had some struggles and downs this during the process you started several years ago but you wouldn't have the beautiful daughter you have now if things didn't go as He had purposed. Enjoy your new special family moments with memories you will cherish forever! Love you all.
    Jacqui and Brian

  2. I have made a note not to read your blog right before trying to sleep. The entry about the passports was so stressful! I can't imagine how you all must have felt. Doesn't God have creative ways of showing us who's in charge? He has been showing our family that this past year in ways we would never have imagined.

    Thank you so much for the updates; you are doing a great job. Love all the pictures. She is precious. I am so happy for you all, and I am so glad Ella and Jonathan could be there.

  3. March 18, 2013 = GOTCHA DAY. Glad to hear that Jenna is with her family! The Guyers are so glad to hear this news and are so happy for all of you. We love scrolling through the pictures.

    Well, I guess you guys are all probably up by now and ready to start a new day. Looking forward to seeing a little smile.

    "The loneliness ends and a new life begins when love takes you in." - Steven Chapman.

  4. Yay! So great to see you guys all together! I hope the new bonds develop very quickly! Sending you love and prayers from Bowling Green...

  5. How thrilling! So excited to see you all together. Praises and praises! Thank you so much for sharing!

  6. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your day finally arrived, and I'm so glad you're all together now! Smiles will come eventually, and there will be lots of time to bond. I hope you get to enjoy several days of chilling out together and discovering the joys of a new baby sister. She's so blessed, and I know you guys are, as well. Your family has been on my mind so much the last few days, and I can't wait to hear more of your story. Hugs to you all!

  7. Special, special day! Hooray! Thankful prayers and joyous tears as we celebrate God bringing the five of you together at last! Enjoy your bonding time (more prayers coming). Appreciate the beautiful pictures and your keeping us posted (was a little stressed over the whole passport incident; hallelujah for re-searching bus drivers and sisters in C!). Jenna is so precious; can't wait until you get home and we get to meet "our" baby ;). Love you all! Happy, happy, happy! Camille
