Sunday, March 17, 2013

Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, Great Wall

We had another nice day with our local guide, Lee.  He took great care of us and guided us safely around the city.  Our van driver had driving skills beyond mine and I was thankful I was not in charge of getting us to our destinations.  He was aggressive, yet cautious - honked often, but never angry. Our blue-eyed, blonde headed boy attracted much attention and requests for photos. Ella was included in many photos also, but Jonathan seemed to draw the most stares.  The most comical photo op was at the Great Wall when  a young man requested a photo and surprisingly proceeded to pick Jonathan up.  No worries, Mamaw, we were within arms reach. :~)  We were so tired upon our arrival back at the hotel that we went straight to bed without dinner.  Little did we know that Sunday would prove to be a much more exciting day than it was intended to be. I'll let David tell you all about it.....


  1. Looks amazing! So glad you are having this great experience! So excited you will be meeting Jenna soon! Loving the pictures and updates!

  2. Great photos! Hope Jonathan doesn't tire of the attention - oh, the life of a blondie in China! :)
